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100 April 2016


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García-Diego International Prize. Awards ceremony

The awards ceremony for the García-Diego International Prize for History of Engineering was held on 20 April. This biennial prize is organised and funded by Fundación Juanelo Turriano. The event was held at Spain’s Engineering Institute.

Two first prizes were awarded in this eight edition:

to Eduardo Díaz-Pavón Cuaresma for his study: El hundimiento del tercer depósito del Canal de Isabel II en 1905 [Collapse of the Canal de Isabel II third water tower in 1905] and José Luis Sánchez Peral for his, entitled Canal del Henares: una centenaria obra hidráulica inglesa a las puertas de Madrid [Canal del Henares designers and builders: 100-year-old British waterworks just outside Madrid].

Two second prizes were likewise granted:

to Víctor Pérez Álvarez for La implantación del reloj público en Castilla y la medida del tiempo en la Baja Edad Media [The institution of the public clock in Castile and time measurement in the Lower Middle Ages] and Nelson Arellano Escudero for La ingeniería y el descarte artefactual de la desalación solar de agua. Las industrias de las salinas, Sierra Gorda y Oficina Domeyko (1872-1907’) [Engineering and the artefactual dismissal of solar desalination; the Sierra Gorda and Oficina Domeyko salt industries (1872-1907)].

The speakers at the event were Spain's Engineering Institute President Manuel Moreu, Fundación Juanelo Turriano Vicepresident Pedro Navascués, judges’ committee chairman Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo and the prize winners.

New issue of Molinum (No. 51, April 2016)

The Asociación para la Conservación y Estudio de los Molinos [Association for the conservation and study of mills, ACEM] has released a new issue of its journal Molinum.

Focusing on hydraulics in abbeys and monasteries (ii), this issue carries a revised and updated article entitled La presa del estanque y molinos y el abastecimiento al monasterio de Guadalupe [Guadalupe Monastery water supply, reservoir dam and mills] by Manuel Díaz Marta and David Fernández-Ordóñez, Fundación Juanelo Turriano trustee. The paper was first published in the Revista de Obras Publicas in 1994.

Read online

All the back issues of the journal are also available on the ACEM website.

Spanish Architecture and Urban Planning Biennial. Prize
The Spanish Architecture and Urban Planning Biennial distinguished the book published by Fundación Eduardo Torroja and Fundación Juanelo Turriano entitled Eduardo Torroja 1949- Strategy to industrialise housing in post- World War II with its prize for heightening the general appreciation of the importance of science and technology.

This biennial is organised by the Spanish Ministry of Internal Development and the Council of Spanish Chartered Institutions of Architecture.

Other current events

Leonardo Torres Quevedo: Automática, Cibernética e Inteligencia Artificial [Automation, cybernetics and artificial intelligence]. A lecture
Leonardo Torres Quevedo: Automática, Cibernética e Inteligencia Artificial [Automation, cybernetics and artificial intelligence]. A lecture
A lecture entitled Leonardo Torres Quevedo: Automática, Cibernética e Inteligencia Artificial [Leonardo Torres Quevedo: automation, cybernetics and artificial intelligence] was delivered by Francisco A. González Redondo on 20 April at the University of Zaragoza’s School of Engineering and Architecture. The event was co-sponsored b Spain’s Royal Society of Mathematics.
Niagara Spanish Aerocar Centennial. Exhibition
Niagara Spanish Aerocar Centennial. Exhibition

The exhibition organised on the occasion of the centennial of the Niagara Spanish Aerocar at the Madrid School of Civil Engineering was opened to the public on 11 April.

This showing, co-organised by the School’s Torres Quevedo Museum, which custodies a collection of the inventor’s machines, and the association Amigos de la Cultura Científica, is the first of a series of events planned by the Technical University of Madrid in 2016 on the occasion of Torres Quevedo Year.

The exhibition will run through 6 May.

Exhibition brochure  

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