Fundación Juanelo Turriano has recently acquired the following items for its library:
Teatro de los instrumentos y figuras matemáticas y mecánicas. Libro muy útil y necessario para todos estados de personas [Theatre of mathematical and mechanical instruments and figures. Most useful and necessary book for all estates of persons] composed by Diego Besson. Lyon, 1602 (edition in Spanish).
Pont sur La Manche: Avant Projets de MM. Schneider et Cie (Usines de Creusot) et H. Hersent [Bridge over the English Channel: Preliminary designs by Messrs Schneider et Cie (Usines de Creusot) and H. Hersent]. Paris, 1889.
Boletín de información de la Dirección General de Arquitectura (1946-1956) [Directorate-General of Architecture Newsletter (1946-1956)].