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175 February 2020


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Award of the García-Diego International Prize (10th edition)

At their 17 February 2020 meeting at Fundación Juanelo Turriano headquarters, the judges unanimously granted the tenth edition of the García-Diego International Prize jointly to the following two applicants:

Juan José Nieto Callén for: La fabricación de pólvora negra en el Imperio español [Black powder manufacture in the Spanish Empire]

Vicente Ruiz García for: Españoles contra el escorbuto. Empirismo, Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos al servicio de las grandes travesías oceánicas de la Edad Moderna [Spaniards vs scurvy: food empiricism, science and technology at the service of long oceanic voyages in the Modern Age]. 

The 12 000 euro award will be split equally between the two winners.

Information on the awards ceremony will be forthcoming shortly. 

Sueño e Ingenio. Guided tours at the National Library

Anyone interested in attending a guided tour of the exhibition Sueño e ingenio. Libros de ingeniería civil: del Renacimiento a las Luces’ [Dreams and ingenuity, civil engineering books ifrom the Renaissance to the Enlightenment] may register beginning on 21 February.

Tours will be held on 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 March and 6, 13 and 20 April at 10:00 and 17:00.

Attendance is subject to registration (beginning 9:00 on 21 February) 

Other current events

Contribución de los ingenieros de caminos catalanes al progreso de España [Catalonian civil engineers’ contribution to progress in Spain]. Sagasta Essay Award
Contribución de los ingenieros de caminos catalanes al progreso de España [Catalonian civil engineers’ contribution to progress in Spain]. Sagasta Essay Award

On 17 February Juan A. Santamaría, President of the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers and Fundación Caminos, handed Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo the Sagasta Essay Award (second edition) by for his book Contribución de los ingenieros de caminos catalanes al progreso de España [Catalonian civil engineers’ contribution to progress in Spain].

Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo is a Fundación Juanelo Turriano trustee.

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