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149 August 2018


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Turriano-ICOHTEC Prize 2018

The 45th ICOHTEC annual symposium entitled Technological drive from past to future? 50 years of ICOHTEC was adjourned at Saint-Étienne on 21 July.

The Turriano ICOHTEC Prize awards ceremony, held during the 19 July session, distinguished Lino Camprubí, PhD. in history and Max Planck Institute history of science researcher, for his study entitled Los ingenieros de Franco. Ciencia, catolicismo y Guerra Fría en el Estado franquista [Franco’s engineers: science, Catholicism and cold war during Franco’s rule].

Sponsored by Fundación Juanelo Turriano, this yearly prize is awarded to the author of the best PhD. thesis or monograph on the history of technology published in the preceding year.

The forthcoming edition will be announced in due time.

Previous winners

2018 summer course. Adjournment

The summer course organised by the Madrid School of Civil Engineering and Fundación Juanelo Turriano entitled The Cathedral. Ingenium ut aedificare was adjourned on 13 July.

Headed by José María Goicolea and Francisco Javier León, the course was attended by 33 students. In the photo, the members of the round table held on the occasion of course adjournment. From left to right: José María Goicolea, Pedro Navascués, Valentín Berriochoa, Leandro Cámara, Rafael Moneo and Francisco Javier León.

See full programme here (In Spanish)

PhD. grants, 2018-2019

Fundación Juanelo Turriano reminds all concerned that the deadline for applying for its 2018/2019 PhD. grants for theses is 17 September next.

To qualify, theses must deal with the history of science or engineering: proposals for research on architecture or hydraulic, civil or mechanical engineering will receive particular consideration.

The gross yearly sum awarded with each grant is €14 400.

See requirements and award criteria (in Spanish)

Registration form (in Spanish)

Other current events

Announcing the Rafael Izquierdo Prize for Solidarity
Announcing the Rafael Izquierdo Prize for Solidarity

Fundación Caminos, in conjunction with other institutions, is promoting the 5th edition of the Rafael Izquierdo Prize for Solidarity, which distinguishes organisations and people for outstanding solidarity and social engagement in the areas of civil engineering, transport, water or the environment.

The deadline for submitting candidacies for this yearly award is 16 October 2018.

See requirements (In Spanish)

National Competition for Master’s Dissertations in Civil Engineering, 2018
National Competition for Master’s Dissertations in Civil Engineering, 2018

Fundación Caminos and the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering announce the 2018 edition of the National Competition for Master’s Dissertations in Civil Engineering.

Theses may be submitted from 3 September to 3 October 2018.

See requirements (In Spanish)

If you are not interested in receiving further news from the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, please tell us by sending an e-mail to: