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124 June 2017


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José Manuel Sánchez Ron, awarded the Julián Marías Prize for Research, 2016

The Region of Madrid has awarded José Manuel Sánchez Ron, professor of the History of Science and Deputy Director of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) the 2016 Julián Marías Prize for Research for outstanding achievement throughout his career.

Professor Sánchez Ron, who has authored any number history of science studies, is a Fundación Juanelo Turriano Trustee. In 2016 the foundation published his book José Echegaray (1832-1916): el hombre polifacético: técnica, ciencia, política y teatro en España [José Echegaray (1832-1916) man of many talents: engineering, science, theatre and politics in Spain].

Juanelo Turriano School, Toledo
Over the last 10 years, Fundación Juanelo Turriano has sponsored a yearly prize at Juanelo Turriano Secondary School in Toledo consisting in an allotment for books for the students with outstanding academic records.

This year’s prize ceremony was held on 22 June.  
Paseos a la historia de la ciencia en Segovia [Science history promenades in Segovia]

The latest book in the series Segovia al paso [Segovia in motion], entitled Paseos a la historia de la ciencia en Segovia [Science history promenades in Segovia] was presented at the national government’s Segovia office on 15 June.

The book was authored by Royal Academy of San Quirce fellows Juan Manuel Moreno and Juan Luis García Hourcade, who is also a member of our foundation’s Advisory Commission.

Conference series on Roman engineering. September-October

The Asturias Archaeological Museum is organising a conference series on the occasion of the travelling exhibition entitled Artifex: Roman engineering, engineer Ignacio González Tascón’s dream.

On Friday 29 September Isaac Moreno Gallo will deliver a lecture entitled‘Ingeniería de las vías romanas’ (The engineering of Roman roads).

Enrique Hernández Moreno will discuss engineering and water management over time on 4 October, with an address entitled La ingeniería y la gestión del agua a través del los tiempos.

The series will end with a lecture by F. Javier Sánchez-Palencia Ramos, Minas de oro de Hispania (Gold mines in Hispania).

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Other current events

La raya extremeña del oro [Extremadura’s gold border]. 27th edition of summer courses on civil engineering
La raya extremeña del oro [Extremadura’s gold border]. 27th edition of summer courses on civil engineering

This summer’s course on civil engineering, entitled La raya extremeña del oro [Extremadura’s gold border], will be held on 15-18 July, under the directorship of Santiago González Alonso and José María Herrera Martínez, both of the Technical University of Madrid.

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Los puentes de Eduardo Torroja - su eco [The echo of Eduardo Torroja’s bridges]. Lecture
Los puentes de Eduardo Torroja -  su eco [The echo of Eduardo Torroja’s bridges]. Lecture
Mike Schlaich delivered a lecture entitled Los puentes de Eduardo Torroja - su eco [The echo of Eduardo Torroja’s bridges] at the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers on 19 June. 

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