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119 March 2017


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Puentes de piedra (o ladrillo) antaño y hogaño [Stone (or brick) bridges, yesterday and today]. New publication
The eighth book of the series Lecciones Juanelo Turriano de Historia de la Ingeniería [Juanelo Turriano lectures on the history of engineering] is now available from Fundación Juanelo Turriano’s Digital Library.

Puentes de piedra o ladrillo antaño y hogaño [Stone (or brick) bridges, yesterday and today] contains the lectures delivered during the eponymous course held in 2016 and organised jointly by the Madrid Technical University’s School of Civil Engineering and Fundación Juanelo Turriano.

READ ONLINE (In Spanish)

(In Spanish)


Estructuras de embalse (presas) y derivación (azudes) de épocas romana y altomedieval en la cuenca media del río Tajo [Roman and Upper Medieval dams and weirs in the mid-Tagus River basin]. PhD. thesis

Mª Luisa Barahona Oviedo, awardee of the 2013-2014 edition of Fundación Juanelo Turriano’s PhD. grant, earned the highest distinction for her thesis entitled Estructuras de embalse (presas) y de derivación (azudes) de épocas romana y altomedieval en la cuenca media del río Tajo [Roman and Upper Medieval dams and weirs in the mid-Tagus River Basin].

The thesis, defended on 16 March at the National Distance Education University’s Faculty of Geography and History, was supervised by Mar Zarzalejos and Carmen Fernández-Ochoa 

Revista de Obras Públicas. Review

Issue 3583 of the Revista de Obras Públicas carried a book review by Manuel Durán, civil engineer, on Mirar el paisaje moderno. Paisaje, ingeniería e industria en los viajes por España [Viewing the modern landscape: landscape, engineering and industry in journeys across Spain] by Daniel Crespo and Alfonso Luján. Mr Crespo collaborates with Fundación Juanelo Turriano.


Other current events

The Cultural Heritage of Defence: past, present and future for all. Symposium
The Cultural Heritage of Defence: past, present and future for all. Symposium
The Spanish Ministry of Defence organised a symposium entitled The Cultural Heritage of Defence: past, present and future for all on 9 March. Held at the Fundación Ramón Areces, the symposium was designed to heighten the visibility of the ministry’s cultural heritage and the institutions entrusted with its custody.

Programme (In Spanish)
TICCIH España, Seventh Congress
TICCIH España, Seventh Congress

TICCIH España is calling for papers for its Seventh Congress, which will address the theme Industrial heritage, environmental impacts and strategies for territorial regeneration at As Pontes de García Rodríguez, La Corunna, Spain, on 5-8 July 2017.

Programme and registration (In Spanish) 
Agustín de Betancourt International Infrastructure Awards. Announcement
Agustín de Betancourt International Infrastructure Awards. Announcement

The Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers announces the second edition of the Agustín de Betancourt International Infrastructure Awards.

Public works completed in the two years prior to the announcement of the respective edition can opt for this biennial prize. Works finished in 2015 and 2016 are eligible for the 2017 edition.


The Panama Canal (the impossible conquest) / The new Panama Canal. Exhibition
The Panama Canal (the impossible conquest) / The new Panama Canal. Exhibition

The exhibition entitled The Panama Canal (the impossible conquest) / The new Panama Canal, organised by the School of Civil Engineers and Sacyr, will close on 24 March.

The showing is divided into two different but complementary spaces on the canal: one highlights the historic work, drawing from the school’s bibliographic records, and the other the recent enlargement, with photographs courtesy of Sacyr.

If you are not interested in receiving further news from the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, please tell us by sending an e-mail to: