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088 October 2015


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Ninth National and First International Spanish-American Congress on the History of Construction

The Ninth National and First International Spanish-American Congress on the History of Construction, organised by the Spanish Society of the History of Construction and the Juan de Herrera Institute, was adjourned on 17 October last.

Fundación Juanelo Turriano (2014-2015 edition) PhD. grant awardees David Mencías Carrizosa and Alicia Sainz Esteban each delivered a conference. The subjects were, respectively, Virgen de los Llanos Chapel at Hontoba, construction and equilibrium, and Wall construction in the ‘Villa y Tierra’ communities in the Spanish province of Segovia: three case studies.

Other current events

Debate series on rethinking engineering
Debate series on rethinking engineering

The Madrid Chapter of the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers is organising a series of debates to be held at the city’s Círculo de Bellas Artes. Mondays in the sun, rethinking engineering will address the present and future challenges facing the profession.

Dates and programme

Thirteenth Conference Series on Aeronautics History and Culture
Thirteenth Conference Series on Aeronautics History and Culture

The Madrid School of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, in conjunction with the Spanish society of the history of science and technology, the Spanish Air Force’s History and Culture Service and the Spanish Aeronautics Society are organising the Thirteenth Conference Series on Aeronautics History and Culture.


Technology, innovation and Sustainability: historical and contemporary narratives
Technology, innovation and Sustainability: historical and contemporary narratives

The International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) will hold its 43rd  congress at Oporto on 26 to 30 July 2016 around the theme Technology, innovation and Sustainability: historical and contemporary narratives.

The deadline for submitting papers is 25 January 2016.

More information

Hitos del Patrimonio Industrial en la provincia de Granada
Hitos del Patrimonio Industrial en la provincia de Granada
José Manuel Reyes Mesa and Miguel Giménez Yanguas have released their book entitled Hitos del Patrimonio Industrial en la provincia de Granada [Industrial heritage landmarks in the Spanish province of Granada].

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