Fundación Juanelo Turriano has awarded the grants for PhD. dissertations announced in March of this year.
The jury decided to award one 2-year and two 1-year grants to the following proposals:
Antropología, saberes campesinos y gestión de los recursos naturales: una comparativa entre los sistemas de riego islámicos de Granada y los sistemas de riego coloniales del estado de Morelos (México) [Anthropology, farming know-how and natural resource management: comparison of the Islamic irrigation systems at Granada and the colonial systems in the Mexican state of Morelos], presented by José Francisco Ruiz Ruiz.
Patrimonio industrial hidráulico. Paisaje, arquitectura y construcción en las presas y centrales hidroeléctricas españolas del siglo XX [Hydraulic industrial heritage: landscape, architecture and construction in twentieth-century Spanish dams and hydroelectric power plants], presented by Javier Molina Sánchez.
Agustín Pascual y los inicios de la dasonomía en España [Agustín Pascual and the dawn of forestry in Spain], presented by Ignacio García Pereda.
Fundación Juanelo Turriano thanks all the participants for their efforts and interest, noting with satisfaction the high quality of all the proposals received.