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082 June 2015


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Award of PhD. grants
Fundación Juanelo Turriano has awarded the grants for PhD. dissertations announced in March of this year. 

The jury decided to award one 2-year and two 1-year grants to the following proposals:

Antropología, saberes campesinos y gestión de los recursos naturales: una comparativa entre los sistemas de riego islámicos de Granada y los sistemas de riego coloniales del estado de Morelos (México) [Anthropology, farming know-how and natural resource management: comparison of the Islamic irrigation systems at Granada and the colonial systems in the Mexican state of Morelos]presented by José Francisco Ruiz Ruiz.

Patrimonio industrial hidráulico. Paisaje, arquitectura y construcción en las presas y centrales hidroeléctricas españolas del siglo XX [Hydraulic industrial heritage: landscape, architecture and construction in twentieth-century Spanish dams and hydroelectric power plants], presented by Javier Molina Sánchez.

Agustín Pascual y los inicios de la dasonomía en España [Agustín Pascual and the dawn of forestry in Spain], presented by Ignacio García Pereda. 

Fundación Juanelo Turriano thanks all the participants for their efforts and interest, noting with satisfaction the high quality of all the proposals received.

Other current events

Stone architecture. From tower to manor house
Stone architecture. From tower to manor house
Asociación Tajamar organised on 20 June a tour coordinated by Luis Azurmendi entitled In the footsteps of the Trasmiera master quarrymen, the El Escorial legacy.
Hackathon Cádiz, winning team
Hackathon Cádiz, winning team
Hackathon Cádiz, an event targeting young IT programmers, designers and developers, was held on 29 and 39 May. The winning entry, an application named Juanelo Turriano, enables children to design and 3D-print their own toys. 
The foundation wishes to congratulate the winning team: Francisco Suárez Solar, Rubén Baena Pérez and Santiago Aguilar Córdoba, who admire Juanelo Turriano for his historic significance and engineering prowess. 
Tenth Juanelo Turriano Prize goes to Gregorio Marañón
Tenth Juanelo Turriano Prize goes to Gregorio Marañón
The awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the Juanelo Turriano Prize, granted yearly by Juanelo Turriano Secondary School at Toledo, was held on 19 June. The winner on this occasion was Gregorio Marañón y Bertrán de Lis, president of Fundación Greco 2014. 
Third course on architectural archaeology
Third course on architectural archaeology
The third course on architectural archaeology will be held on 7 to 11 September at the National Research Institute’s Social Science and Humanities Centre in Madrid. The course is designed for university graduates, PhDs, architects, construction engineers and under- and post-graduate students.

If you are not interested in receiving further news from the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, please tell us by sending an e-mail to: