News View All Tribute to Jorge Soler Valencia at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia Real coinage at Segovia A ceremony in honour of Jorge Soler Valencia, recently deceased, was held at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia, on 30 April last. The museum’s machine hall will now bear his name in acknowledgement of his contribution to the recovery of the Royal Mint waterworks and apparatus, as well as Segovia’s heritage. Mayor Clara Luquero unveiled the commemorative plaque.
Tribute to Jorge Soler Valencia at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia Real coinage at Segovia A ceremony in honour of Jorge Soler Valencia, recently deceased, was held at the Royal Mint Museum, Segovia, on 30 April last. The museum’s machine hall will now bear his name in acknowledgement of his contribution to the recovery of the Royal Mint waterworks and apparatus, as well as Segovia’s heritage. Mayor Clara Luquero unveiled the commemorative plaque.