News View All Award of PhD. grants Grants Fundación Juanelo Turriano has awarded the grants for PhD. dissertations announced in March of this year. The jury decided to award one 2-year and two 1-year grants to the following proposals: Sistemas socioecológicos y gestión comunitaria de los recursos naturales: organización social, saberes locales y resiliencia en los regadíos de origen árabe de Granada (España) y los sistemas de riego de tradición colonial de Morelos (México). [Socioecological systems and community management of natural resources: social organisation, local know-how and resilience of Arabic irrigation systems in Granada, Spain, and traditional colonial irrigation in Morelos, Mexico], presented by José Francisco Ruiz Ruiz. Patrimonio industrial hidráulico. Paisaje, arquitectura y construcción en las presas y centrales hidroeléctricas españolas del siglo XX [Hydraulic industrial heritage: landscape, architecture and construction in twentieth-century Spanish dams and hydroelectric power plants], presented by Javier Molina Sánchez . Agustín Pascual y los inicios de la dasonomía en España [Agustín Pascual and the dawn of forestry in Spain], presented by Ignacio García Pereda. Fundación Juanelo Turriano thanks all the participants for their efforts and interest, noting with satisfaction the high quality of all the proposals received.
Award of PhD. grants Grants Fundación Juanelo Turriano has awarded the grants for PhD. dissertations announced in March of this year. The jury decided to award one 2-year and two 1-year grants to the following proposals: Sistemas socioecológicos y gestión comunitaria de los recursos naturales: organización social, saberes locales y resiliencia en los regadíos de origen árabe de Granada (España) y los sistemas de riego de tradición colonial de Morelos (México). [Socioecological systems and community management of natural resources: social organisation, local know-how and resilience of Arabic irrigation systems in Granada, Spain, and traditional colonial irrigation in Morelos, Mexico], presented by José Francisco Ruiz Ruiz. Patrimonio industrial hidráulico. Paisaje, arquitectura y construcción en las presas y centrales hidroeléctricas españolas del siglo XX [Hydraulic industrial heritage: landscape, architecture and construction in twentieth-century Spanish dams and hydroelectric power plants], presented by Javier Molina Sánchez . Agustín Pascual y los inicios de la dasonomía en España [Agustín Pascual and the dawn of forestry in Spain], presented by Ignacio García Pereda. Fundación Juanelo Turriano thanks all the participants for their efforts and interest, noting with satisfaction the high quality of all the proposals received.