Activities > Course View all Waterworks and urban layout. University outreach course (2018) Courses Course organised by the National Distance University’s (UNED) Associated Institution at Segovia in conjunction with Fundación Juanelo Turriano. To be held at Segovia on 9-11 November 2018. Vitruvius invoked and devoted his eighth book to water, under the conviction that discovering, understanding and channelling its force and power were imperative to human life. Over the centuries, its benefits for urban life have generated a series of waterworks that are now historic landmarks in many cities, on a par with the eminence of their rulers. As a public asset indispensable to city dwellers’ lives, the urban layout associated with water use has always been understood in the context of the exercise of power and its representation. This course will address some of the monumental works that illustrate the relationship between cities and water. Welcoming: historians, engineers, art and science historians, architects, geographers and anyone interested in the subject. Course management: Alicia Cámara Muñoz, Bernardo Revuelta Pol Coordinator: Enrique Gallego Lázaro Programme: Friday 9 November (afternoon): Acueductos en Hispania [Aqueducts in Hispania]. Elena Sánchez López, PhD., architecture. University of Granada Conducir el agua en la ciudad bajomedieval [Channelling water in early Middle Age cities]..Isabel del Val Valdivieso, head of the Department of Medieval History. University of Valladolid. Saturday, 10 November: Desaguar la ciudad [De-watering the city]. Beatriz Blasco Esquivias, head of the Department of Art History. Complutense University of Madrid Camino, puente y ciudad [Road, bridge and city]. Luis Arciniega García, head of the Department of Art History. University of Valencia Derramar el agua en la ciudad: dioses y fuentes. [Spilling water in the city: gods and fountains]. Alicia Cámara Muñoz, head of the Department of Art History. National Distance University (UNED) Cuando el agua se hizo historia: primeros pasos de la historiografía hidráulica [When water became history: early stages in water historiography]. Daniel Crespo Delgado, PhD., art history. Fundación Juanelo Turriano, Miriam Cera Brea, PhD, art history. Autonomous University of Madrid, Sunday, 11 November: El Canal de Isabe [Isabel II Canal]. Rosario Martínez Vázquez de Parga, civil engineer. Guided tour of the aqueduct Programme and online registration (In Spanish)